A l’occasion du 60ᵉ anniversaire du « Nouvel Observateur », (re) découvrez 60 articles marquants publiés par notre magazine depuis sa création. Aujourd’hui, l’enquête de Natacha Tatu sur ces femmes qui, pour fuir la misère, ont affronté le désert, survécu au marché des esclaves en Libye, à la traversée de la Méditerranée, pour venir vendre leur corps sur nos trottoirs.
This article from "Le Nouvel Observateur" investigates the plight of Nigerian women who are trafficked into prostitution, specifically focusing on the journey from Benin City, Nigeria to Paris, France.
The article, published in 2018, explores the harrowing experiences these women endure, shedding light on the systemic issues and human cost of this global trafficking network.
This article from "Le Nouvel Observateur" investigates the plight of Nigerian women who are trafficked into prostitution, specifically focusing on the journey from Benin City, Nigeria to Paris, France. The article, published in 2018, explores the harrowing experiences these women endure, shedding light on the systemic issues and human cost of this global trafficking network.